listen observe organize prototype

We are a non-profit organization that promotes diversity & sustainability
using arts, technology, & human-centered design.
Recent Projects
_our design methodology.

a loop
refers to the lifecycle of every project that starts by critically examining a certain challenge. During the process of research, ideation and experimentation, we develop strategies for implementation and communication through organized
collaborations with like-minded specialists in visual and performance arts, activism, tech, and media. We consider all our projects as prototypes that must be constantly tested and re-examined, thus forming an iterative cycle, also known as a loop.

Exhibition curated and designed by loop at Arab State of Art & Design in Berlin showcasing work from the Middle East
working together
The prototypes and projects we develop are in the form of interactive cultural experiences in visual and performing arts. These may be exhibitions, film screenings, theater, workshops, seminars, concerts, public interventions, talks, live performances, and festivals.
Our current geographical focus is located in Europe and its neighboring regions the Middle East, North Africa, the Balkans, and the global south.

2. critical thinking
We encourage critical thinking and popularize it through interactive arts, media and technology. We find it very important to promote more awareness about social, political, and environmental issues that affect us all. Current mainstream media increasingly diverges people’s attention from important issues, our goal is to counterbalance this phenomenon through meaningful communication.

4. access to information
We share all our resources and make them easily accessible to the public. We are not possessive of the information we create; instead we have an open-source and anti-copyrights mentality and are constantly looking for collaborations and long-lasting partnerships.
3. sustainability
It is our responsibility as an organization to be sustainable on a social, cultural, economic, and of course, environmental level. However, being sustainable is not enough; therefore, through our projects we aim to create awareness about sustainability as the responsibility of all citizens.

Pop Up Waterscape is a public interactive installation as an intervention to the city, showing the value of water to the urban environment and human relations.